Heredity and Varicose Veins Like complexion, eye color, the shape of the face, and so many other traits, varicose veins can be hereditary. A frequently cited figure suggests about half of those over age 50 in the U.S. suffer from varicose veins. Due to both structural and metabolic similarities, up to 80% of cases can be attributed to genetics. That’s…
This week the staff and Physicians at McQuaid Vein Care & Surgery wanted to help the Humane Society of North Texas and the amazing work they do. “When we learned that they were in need of both Dog and Cat food, we knew we wanted to help.” Said Dr. Mark McQuaid. “We love animals and this is a great cause.”…
McQuaid Vein Specialists Announces Opening of a New Location in Southlake, TX The vein treatment center says that it opened its second DFW location on July 1, 2016 and patients can now call to schedule a Free Leg Health Screening or Full Appointment. SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS, JULY 1, 2016 McQuaid Vein Specialists announces the opening of a second treatment location in…
Have you ever talked to a friend or looked online for treatments for your varicose or spider veins? Were you left with more questions than answers? Do you want to get treatment but the concept of removing veins concerns you? Don’t worry, you are not alone. One of the most frequent question topics we receive from patients here at McQuaid…